Saturday, January 14, 2006

Although cliche, changing behavior is difficult. Finding inner peace is difficult. It is easy to slip into more negative patterns. My sarcastic sense of humor has for a while now taken on a cynical overtone and very frequently borders on the mean rather than the ironic. This is of course something that I discovered more recently in my understanding of myself. Speaking of understanding an inner peace my mind has been very clear as of late. Everything seems from my perspective to come very easily. It is as if a cloud has been lifted. I can not find any single cause for this sudden increase in clarity--less stress, more sleep, caffeine, excercise, all appear to be likely culprits. I however, like to think it is through this quest for inner peace. That the act of struggling to find oneself has made everything else easier. So not only do I feel more at peace with myself but the struggle made me stronger.

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