Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Organized religion has never been able to fullfill my spiritual needs.
Spiritual fulfillment is the greatest driving force behind many religions.
However, many individuals practice religion for fear of the unknown. Some
relgions even abuse this fear to recruit followers. Many spiritually
unfullfilled unknown fearing individuals try to fill their spiritual void
by recruiting other unkown-fearing spirtually unfullfilled individuals in
what becomes a vicious cycle of ignorance and spiritual unfullfillment.

Now don't get me wrong, there has been a lot of good ideas that have come
out of religion and religion has helped many cope during difficult times.
Unfortunately, Religion has also been the cause of great harm and distruction. It is
the source of great ignorance. If an idea does not fit the narrow view set
forth by the religion then it without question MUST be wrong!

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